Placing Orders:

  1. Payments are currently accepted via direct bank card only on our website.
  2. Once your website order payment goes through, you'll see "Successfully Charged!" confirming your order's success.
  3. Your order code will be sent to your email (check your spam folder if you don't see it).【EX:Order Code-662df8074f31a】
  4. If you're bringing your own design, please ensure payment is made online at least 5 working days before your visit. Without payment confirmation, your order will not be considered successful.


  1. Shipping fees vary by region. Enjoy free shipping for orders over RM250 in Peninsular Malaysia and RM500 in East Malaysia. Please ensure that you provide the correct address.
  2. Please make sure to provide the correct address during checkout, as changes won't be accepted after your order is placed. Any changes later will incur a RM15 modification fee.
  3. 🇲🇾 West Malaysia Shipping Costs: 1kg - RM8 |2kg - RM10
  4. 🇲🇾 East Malaysia Shipping Costs: 1kg - RM15|2kg - RM27 
  5. 🇸🇬 Singapore Shipping Costs: 1kg - RM46.90 |2kg - RM62.90


  1. This product is shipped dynamically and won't come with a tracking number.
  2. Pre-orders for this product will be shipped between June 3rd and 10th.
  3. If you choose our 「Plateau Design」, we can ship them within 3-5 business days after payment.
  4. For 「Illustration Line Drawing」, please provide the image at least one week in advance. Due to design and shipping times, you can expect to receive it 7-14 business days after payment.
  5. If the product is a pre-order item, it will be shipped within 30-45 days after placing the order.
  6. The shipping time is 5-7 business days. If you haven't received the goods after 7 days, please contact our official Telegram account at +01111142889 with your order number for inquiries.


  1. 付款方式目前仅接受网站下单时直接使用银行卡付款。
  2. 网站下单成功付款后将显示【Successfully Charged!】,即表示下单成功。
  3. 下单成功可以在电子邮件中(可能在垃圾邮件中)获得订单编号。【EX:Order Code-662df8074f31a】
  4. 如果您要打印自己的设计,请确保至少提前5个工作日在线付款。没有付款确认,您的订单将不被视为成功。


  1. 产品按照地区运费,西马满RM250免运费,东马满RM500免运费,请确保填写正确的地址。
  2. 地址一律以下单时填写为准,不接受任何更改。如后续需要更改,将收取RM15的改单费。
  3. 🇲🇾 West Malaysia Shipping Costs: 1kg - RM8 |2kg - RM10
  4. 🇲🇾 East Malaysia Shipping Costs: 1kg - RM15|2kg - RM27 
  5. 🇸🇬 Singapore Shipping Costs: 1kg - RM46.90 |2kg - RM62.90


  1. 本产品采用动态发货,不会发出追踪号码。
  2. 如果您选择我们的「Plateau Design」,我们可以在付款后的3-5个工作日内发货。
  3. 对于「Illustration Line Drawing」,请提前至少一周提供图片。由于设计和发货时间,您可以预期在付款后的7-14个工作日内收到商品。
  4. 若产品为预购款,将在下单后30-45天邮寄。
  5. 邮寄时间为5-7个工作日,若在7天后依然没有收到货物,请将订单编号通过Telegram联系我们的官方账号01111142889查询。